Jam Factory .

Take a look at this remarkable full renovation and interior design project at the Jam Factory. Our client, who works from home, needed a space that was both functional and welcoming. We have created a perfect blend of practicality and comfort, providing a truly inviting atmosphere.
Built in 2003 on the top floor of a former jam factory dating from 1890, this apartment offers stunning views of London's South Bank. In this area, southeast of London, factories have been transformed into superb industrial lofts. This penthouse belongs to a Canadian influencer, lifestyle and beauty content creator.

The client has almost two million followers who watch her vlogs and follow her tips and advice every week. It is dynamic and fresh, with a refined style. She wants her interior to be comfortable and ergonomic. It is thanks to her image as a kind and friendly big sister that she made a name for herself on the Internet.
In the shower room, the walk-in shower is distinguished by pink ceramic wall tiles also arranged in herringbone patterns, combined with hexagonal marble tiles on the floor. The rest of the floor is covered in large marble tiles creating an illusion of space and blending harmoniously with the powder pink walls and industrial-style shower screen. The dark wood vanity units and matte black accessories echo the style of the first bathroom. The result is a space reminiscent of an elegant boutique hotel, carefully designed to be unique, warm and welcoming.

Cette salle de bain est un véritable havre de féminité. Un pan de mur est habillé d'un papier peint gris et blanc aux motifs délicats et floraux, créant une ambiance douce et décalée. Dans cette salle de bain il se dégage une atmosphère de boudoir à la fois romantique et moderne.
La salle de bain principale et la salle de douche attenante offrent toutes deux une ambiance subtile et sophistiquée. La pièce maîtresse de la salle de bain principale est cette baignoire évoquant un sentiment de vacances, peut-être même un coquillage, avec une touche fantaisiste reflétant la personnalité pétillante de notre cliente. Nous avons utilisé un carrelage pose en bâtons rompus qui ajoute de la texture et se marie parfaitement avec le meuble sous-vasque en bois foncé et la baignoire, evoquant ainsi un look industriel.